New Quarters for school, 1961

25 06 2012

The following is an article published in the BOSH: Bulletin of the Oregon State Hospital, on September 11, 1961.


Miss Dixie McKay is joining Mrs. Janice Stein in teaching our OSH school children, and with this increase in the teaching staff the OSH school is moving from the 50 Bldg. to new quarters on the 2nd floor of the Dome Bldg., above the dental offices.

Patients Manage Recreation Plans, 1961

7 05 2012

The following article was published in the Capital Journal on April 28, 1961.

A girl who had talked to no one for seven years — separated from reality by an “escape mechanism” barrier– has shown her first progress through recreation therapy at Oregon State Hospital.

Brought by a staff aide to “The Hut,” she eventually accepted an invitation to dance with another patient.

“The Hut” will be one of two recreation halls to be viewed by visitors to open house Sunday from 1 to 4:30 pm.  Operated by a governing group of patients called the Quoncil, the quonset hut-shaped building is the site of patient-planned parties and dances.

Plan Recreation

The general public sometimes regards the mentally ill as being incompetent and unable to take responsibility, commented Mrs. Ida Boehmer, recreational therapy department director. Read the rest of this entry »